Family Portraits by Picture It Photogrpahy

Johnson Family

A wonderful day of family fun. This time it was for the Johnson Family Portrait session in Hendersonville TN. We understand the value and importance of family gatherings, and the adventures and happiness they bring. I hope the time you spent together was just as awesome as laughter we had during the shoot. Thanks for allowing us to capture a great family photo. 

Treeless Treehouse

Sometimes you have to build something in order to create memories. Legos, Lincoln logs, a bird house, having someone to help you out with your current car build the list goes on and on. I vowed to a build a treehouse for our children early on in our marriage. As luck would have it, we have one willow tree in the back yard, and it would not suffice for a tree house.

Picture It Photography- Family Portraits Clarksville TN

Stephanie and Ava

We had a wonderful opportunity tonight to take pictures of Stephanie and Ava. Even though we’ve been doing photography in Clarksville for 9 years we’re still finding new and exciting places to take pictures. Like the many places in downtown Clarksville TN. We had so much fun on this shoot and look forward to the next.